During the three year period leading up to publication of the book, the author made contact with over 90 painting owners to obtain images and data on artworks of Nita Spilhaus in their collections. This work both enabled Sanlam to gather a representative collection of works for exhibition, and allowed the author to start to build a comprehensive database of the artworks of Nita Spilhaus.
The works exhibited at the final, and smallest, exhibition in Johannesburg in early 2016 demonstrate the breadth of Nita's artistic themes.An overview of this exhibition is illustrated in the Gallery of images below. Exhibited works also included artworks held in the Sanlam Collection, painted by Nita’s friends, Hugo Naude, Pieter Wenning and Florence Zerffi. Those who know this art period may be able to spot these ‘interlopers’ into the exhibtion.
It is hoped that the more people who chance on the book, or the website, the more discoveries of artworks there will be over time, and this will contribute to an even greater understanding of Nita’s art.