These are all works of Nita Spilhaus that have been illustrated in publications and are therefore of real interest but the whereabouts of these is now unknown. If you have information do tell me!
"The Oil Shepherd" an oil painting illustrated in the Lantern in July 1985 and in F Harmsen "Looking at South African Art" 1985
"Mosque in Chiappini Street" Oil on board 28.5 x 32 illustrated in Private Art for Public Viewing 1984
"Across Table Bay", illustrated in Roworth's essay on SA landscape art in 1917
Study of Trees, illustrated in Roworth's essay on SA landscape art, 1917
"The Road through the Valley" Oil on wood panel 17.5 x 25 illustrated in F Harmsen "Looking at South African Art"
"Coloured Community" illustrated in Century of South African Art 1869-1969
Illustration of "Eensame Plek" (Lonely place) in Kuns in Suid Afrika by A.C. Bouman
Washing day aquatint and etching Illustration in "South African Graphic Art and its Techniques" FL Alexander 1974
"Malay Quarter" Oil, part of WHAG Collection but lost when a courier carrying the painting was hijacked!
Early Nita Spilhaus painting illustrated in Lantern 12 (1) Sept 1962
Cape Farm Oil 43 x 60 Illustration in Twentieth Century South African Art (Martienssen H) 1960- p 13 (Plate VI)
"Evening", an oil painting illustrated in black and white on p 494 of Die Husigenoot of March 1923, in an article on the joint exhibition that February at Ashbey's, CT, of Ruth Prowse ,Nita Spilhaus, and Florence Zerffi
"Table Bay from Kloof Road" illustration in "Our Beautiful Peninsula" by Herbert Tucker 1913