These are all etchings, identified within known private collections, that do not form part of any of the three major folios.
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Dimensions in cms: height x width
If any collector knows of a Nita Spilhaus etching not already illustrated under "Lubeck", "Trees" or "Cape Times" series (previous tabs), or on this page, could they please let me know?
Groote Schuur, Etching Plate size 20.4 x 15.3 Collector 3
Self Portrait Etching Collector 5
Etching View of Lubeck 24 x 33 Collector 7
Etching Avenue of trees 26 x 11.5 Collector 11
Etching Collapsed farm building 16 x 25.5 Collector 11
Etching Gates + Railing 22 x 19 Collector 11
Etching windswept trees 16 x 11.5 Collector 11
Etching Carriage Arch of Alphen 14 x 20 Collector 12
Etching Avenue of Trees 26 x 11 Collector 15
Etching windswept trees Kromboom, 16 x 11 Collector 15
Lubeck, Dankwartsbrucke, Etching 23 x 18 Collector 16
Monastery on hill Etching 13 x 23 Collector 16
Trees and tower, etching, 22.9 x 28.9, Collector 36
Cluster of fir trees encircling a farmhouse, etching, 8.5 x 3.5 cm, Collector 30
Hout Bay Etching 10 x 14 Collector 54
Farm Cottages and Trees, Etching, 13.6 x 17.5 cms, Collector 74